Passive Acoustics Server Structure

The Passive Acoustics server is our central storage location for all data and information that is not acoustic data. We are in the process of migrating from the PassiveAcoustics/Stellwagen_Old directory to the PassiveAcoustics directories. For information on where we store the raw soundfiles see the PassiveAcoustic_soundfiles server page.

Accessing the server

To access the server for the first time, submit an ITD ticket requesting access to PAB file shares and include Sofie or your team lead on the ticket so that they can provide approval.

To access from the Windows file explorer enter: \\nefscdata\PassiveAcoustics\
To access from a container enter: /mnt/PassiveAcoustics/

For quick access on your computer, it is recommended to pin the server folder.
Make sure you are connected to the network via VPN.

PassiveAcoustics server information

The table below details the status of the server reorganization and comments on how to use each folder. For more information on specific folders, see ‘Readme’ docs located in the server.

PassiveAcoustics Stellwagen_Old Comment
ANCILLARY_DATA Accelerometer, CTD, depth (for towed array and drifting recorders), GPS (for mobile platforms), telemetry, temperature (from SoundTraps), and visual sightings data
CONFERENCES_PRESENTATIONS Final versions of all presentations and posters
DATA_ANALYSIS DATA_ANALYSIS Migration in progress. Analysis specific code for new projects should be stored in the PassiveAcoustics/DATA_ANALYSIS folder.
DETECTOR_OUTPUT All detector output organized by detector then raw, summarized, or validated status.
DETECTORS_SOFTWARE DETECTORS Migration in progress, new detectors should be stored in DETECTORS_SOFTWARE
MAKARA_DATA_REVIEW_temp Temporary Makara software resources (temporary)
OUTREACH_PRODUCTS Graphics, web content, exhibits available for use
PAB_ANALYSIS_TRAINING PAB Analyst Training Resources
SOUNDS_AND_PICTURES Example sound clips and pictures
FIELDWORK To be migrated. Fieldwork plans, permitting, and contracts.
GIS_TOOLS_PROJECTS To be migrated. GIS projects and useful shapefiles
GROUP_MEETINGS To be migrated.
INVENTORY To be migrated.
LITERATURE To be migrated. Relevant literature to PAB
MANUALS_SOFTWARE_CODE_LIBRARY To be migrated. General code that could be used across projects and analysts.
PROJECT_ADMIN_ACCDATA To be reorganized. Data management for inventory and recorder performance
STAFF Retirement in progress. Staff specific files that do not align with server directory should be saved on google drive, personal computers, or nefsc personal file shares.
TETHYS_METADATA To be migrated. Metadata files and schema for TETHYS database uploads
TOWED_ARRAY To be migrated. Files specific to AMAPPS towed array surveys

Stellwagen Server Resources