Onboarding and Offboarding

This page has resources for recently hired employees and contractors.


New Hire things to do once started

ITD setup

To get your email and computer fully set up with ITD, follow the following steps.

  1. Create NOAA email: Marija Grange sets this up between the new hire and ITD

  2. Install needed software: Check to see what is already in your Public Programs folder and contact Annamaria before submitting an ITD HelpDesk ticket

  3. VPN access: Send ITD HelpDesk ticket with subject line “WH- new hire VPN access requested”

  4. Remote desktop platform: Send ITD HelpDesk ticket with subject line “WH- enable remote desktop (new hire in PA Group)”

  5. Add to PSD and NEFSC listservs: New employees and contractors will be automatically added to groups based on routing codes

  6. Send contact card info + picture to Gen: Instructions doc to have information card submitted to PA group staff page

  7. Additional: Ask Gen to join PAB Endnote library and Smartsheets.


NOAA trainings

  1. Link to one-time and annual NOAA trainings: Required trainings for NOAA employees
  2. Commerce Learning Center trainings
  3. Defensive driving (if driving GOV vehicles. Submit issue with updated link)

PAB trainings

  1. Orientation/training protocols for new analysts: Link to NEFSC Baleen Whale (Acoustic) Analysis Training Google Drive. For more information on species analysis protocol, see protocol page.

  2. Robots4whales training videos: LFDCS desktop and analysis training

Server access

Server location: \\nefscdata\PassiveAcoustics and \\nefscdata\PassiveAcoustic_soundfiles
Note: VPN connection required to access. If access issues arise, submit IT ticket with NEFSC IT service desk. For more information on the lab’s server, see Server Structure page.

PassiveAcoustics server vs. Google drive

Between your personal folder, the lab server, and google drive, it can become confusing to know where to store content and projects. Collaborative documents and in-progress projects can be stored in your google drive as needed. PassiveAcoustics server can additionally be used for in-progress documents/presentations, but should always have the final version of presentations, analysis, detector output, and manuscripts.


  1. Make sure all analysis outputs etc. are saved in the appropriate location on the server
  2. Drop off CAC, parking sticker, and any keys to Supervisor
  3. Drop off PAB-bought equipment (computers, harddrives, headphones, etc.) to Sofie
  4. Drop off computer to ITD
  5. Ask Gen to take off ‘Staff’ webpage
  6. If end user of Matlab user based license, deactivate before leaving