
Gray seal

Scientific name: Halichoerus grypus
Code: GRSE

Gray seals produce various vocalizations and acoustic signaling. Nonvocal behaviors range from surface interactions, such as breaching/porpoising, to underwater ‘claps’ or knocks (Hocking et al., 2019).


Nowak, 2021 describes the following variability in gray seal calls:

S1: Frequency modulated above and sub-surface vocalizations (tonal, 400 - 420 Hz) - example was recorded on the surface.

S2: A series of short bursts with no tonal components (only occurring underwater and by male seals, 45 - 50 Hz) - example was recorded underwater.

S3: A series of short, pulses with harmonic components (explicitly water-born vocalizations, frequencies between 50 - 160 Hz) - example was recorded underwater.

Nonvocal acoustics

Seal claps are unique in the aspect that they have a greater frequency range than seal vocalizations. Claps are thought to be part of social and/or antagonistic interactions (below).

(Hocking et al., 2019)

Gray seal vocalizations as observed by PAB:

Gray Seal ‘Rupe’ - similar characteristics to S3 categorization

Gray Seal ‘Moan’ - Similar characteristics to S1 categorization


Hocking DP, Burville B, Parker WMG, Evans AR, Park T, Marx FG. Percussive underwater signaling in wild gray seals. Mar Mam Sci. 2020; 36: 728–732.

Lukasz J. Nowak (2021) Observations on mechanisms and phenomena underlying underwater and surface vocalisations of grey seals, Bioacoustics, 30:6, 696-715, DOI: 10.1080/09524622.2020.1851298