Accessing Bottom Trawl Survey Data
NEFSC Bottom Trawl Survey Data in {survdat}
The R package {survdat} allows you to pull and process NEFSC bottom trawl survey data. More information on the {survdat} package can be found here:
Before using this package, you will need to submit a number of ITD tickets: - Install of Oracle Instant Client - Creation of Oracle username and password. Also request access to NEFSCDB1 and NEFSC_USERS databases in this ticket. - Install of {ROracle} package
You must also be behind the NEFSC firewall (remote using VPN) for R to connect to Oracle databases.
The script below allows for a quick test of ROracle. The script will prompt for a username and password and then run the query string above to show all available tables your account can see.
drv <- dbDriver("Oracle")
host <- "nefscdb1.nmfs.local"
port <- 1526
svc <- "NEFSC_USERS"
connect.string <- paste("(DESCRIPTION=",
user <- rstudioapi::showPrompt(title="Username", message="Please enter your Oracle username", default="")
passwd <- .rs.askForPassword("Please enter your Oracle password")
con <- dbConnect(drv,username=user,password=passwd, dbname=connect.string)
rs <- dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT owner,table_name FROM all_tables")
data <- fetch(rs)
To install {survdat} directly from Github:
remotes::install_github("NOAA-EDAB/survdat",build_vignettes = TRUE)
The package {dbutils} must also be installed for R to connect to Oracle databases. More info on {dbutils} here:
To connect to Oracle databases and pull survdat data
channel <- dbutils::connect_to_database("NEFSC_USERS","your username")
The function get_survdat_data() has parameters to include conversion factors (conversion.factor), species biological data (getBio), and length data (getLengths) which can be set = TRUE or FALSE.
POC for Troubleshooting
Contact Andy Beet ( for issues with {dbutils} and {survdat} package help and data pulls.
If you do not have access to all the required tables in SVDBS to run {survdat} functions, the function ‘get_survdat_data’ will result in the following error:
“Error in .oci.GetQuery(conn, statment, data = data, prefetch = prefetch,…) ORA-00942: table or view does not exist”
If this occurs, contact Jakub Kircun with PEMAD ( for SVDBS table access.